A.A. Helpline (518) 463-0906

The A.A. Capital District Central Office Newsletter

Here's what's going on ......

It's February, so it must be NERAASA. This Northeast Region Service Assembly brings together GSRs, DCMs, Area Committee Members, and Intergroup/Central Office Representatives to discuss General Service Conference related issues and concerns affecting AA as a whole, along with issues relating to recovery, unity and service common to the Areas of the Northeast Region.

There's a group anniversary coming up on the 24th and it's not just for men. Our new Area 48 Panel Delegate, Guy K., kicks off his Delegate Connection Meeting on Monday the 26th, and the monthly meeting of the Area Technology Committee meets online on Wednesday the 28th.

The next Area event is the Delegates Day of Sharing on Saturday March 16th in Glens Falls, NY. It's hybrid too, of course.

Looks like 2024 is starting to warm up in Area 48.
Click the links below for more details on what's going on. GPS directions for your phone are included in the links.

A.A. Helpline (518) 463-0906