About the CDCO

The Conference-approved pamphlet, “The AA Group”, describes a central office this way:

Taken from AA pamphlet “The AA Group”

AA’s Conference structure (groups, districts, areas, etc.) was established in the early 1950’s to link together AA groups throughout the United States and Canada. By that time, there were already well-established intergroups/central offices in many larger cities throughout the country. The major function of those intergroups/central offices was (and still is) to provide direct help to the alcoholic who still suffers.

In most parts of the country, any group that so wishes can belong to the central office, which is supported by contributions from its member groups. These contributions are purely voluntary…

The Capital District Central Office (CDCO) had its beginnings back in June, 2004. At that time, an organizational meeting was held to discuss consolidating the AA phone answering services of several districts in and around Albany into one central contact point. Additionally, there was a need to set up a single local office where literature could be sold. Furthermore, AA events could be posted, and other services to local groups and members could be provided.

The AA groups in Districts 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 17, and 18 of Area 48, North Eastern New York (NENY), voted to turn their phone services over to the CDCO. Since the initial organizational meeting in 2004, the CDCO has held a monthly business meeting every month. The Office opened its doors for the first time in November, 2005. The CDCO now has By‑Laws, an elected Steering Committee, a bi‑monthly newsletter (The Broken Bottle) and AA Conference-approved literature, medallions and recovery cards for sale. The monthly meeting, held at 6:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month at the Central Office, is open to anyone interested in becoming involved, and especially to those who are representing their groups as “Central Office Representatives” (CORs).

The next monthly business meeting will be held online and is scheduled for Tuesday January 14, 2025 06:30pm. 

If you would like to attend please click below to send an email requesting the zoom link.

All are welcome!

The CDCO Mission:

An AA Service Organization to Help the Suffering Alcoholic

An AA “Intergroup Office” or “Central Office” is, as the name suggests, traditionally an office (a physical site), centrally located, supported, and staffed by members of AA groups within a specific geographic area.

The geographic area covered by the Capital District Central Office “CDCO” includes Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer, Columbia, Essex, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren, and Washington counties.

Just as an AA group is a partnership of individuals, a Central Office is a partnership of AA groups. Its primary purpose is that of the fellowship at large – to carry the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic, and its primary rationale is that the message can be more effectively and consistently delivered when the member groups share their experience, strength and hope in delivering the message.

It is important to note that the Capital District Central Office is a service organization available to all groups in the Capital District, whether they contribute to its support or not.

The main functions of the Capital District Central Office are to:
  1. Operate a 24-hour “Hotline” answering service directing callers to local meetings, arranging AA member contacts for newcomers, and otherwise extending the hand of AA to all who reach out for help
  2. Maintain a centrally located business office
  3. Compile, display and distribute AA literature and information about AA events and activities
  4. Perform all other functions which serve our primary purpose, as may be directed by the AA groups
  5. Publish an AA Newsletter
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