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The CDCO Data Coordinator has four functions:
- to collect phone call information from the CDCO Net Log.
- to assemble this data into monthly and annual reports that he or she sends to the Office volunteers and select regional AA officers vial email.
- to write a special calls list from the instances where the caller has a unique situation that receives unusual, appropriate attention. This list also is sent to the volunteers and officers.
- The two monthly reports are presented at the monthly CDCO business meeting.
- to keep a current email file of the volunteers’ and officers’ email addresses.
Alternate Data Coordinator: The Alternate Data Coordinator assists the Data Coordinator and participates in monthly steering committee meetings.
The Alternate Data Coordinator collects the phone call data from the CDCO Net Log and compares this data with the Data Coordinator’s statistics prior to the dissemination of the monthly report, to get an accurate count. The Alternate also might suggest a special call that the Data Coordinator had not considered. He or she also gives support to the Data Coordinator at the monthly steering committee meeting.
To see a sample monthly call log report click here!
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